SCD Crackers Dairy-Free

I found these yummy crackers from Salted Paleo, recipe originally from The Comfy Belly. These are a simple cracker great for dips such as my husbands family’s famous cucumber dip or salsa. Homemade salsa or I have found a yummy brand SCD friendly: Green Mountain Greigo. The mild one I got is SCD legal, but always check labels! I found mine at Sprouts.

I added lots of herbs and flavors because they would be so bland without them! If you’re using them for a sweet dip, you could probably add sweet flavors like cinnamon or nutmeg. My husband’s family always says there’s nothing like Ritz crackers for their cucumber dip because they are so buttery. So, I thought maybe next time I would brush the top of the crackers with butter when they came out of the oven for a buttery flavor. I’ll keep you updated 😉


  • 2 cups (192 g) blanched ground almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (or butter)
  • extra salt to sprinkle on top of the crackers


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C or gas mark 4).
  2. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl and blend well.
  3. Add the egg and oil, and blend and shape the mixture into two balls of dough.
  4. Place each dough ball on a non-stick baking mat, then place a piece of parchment paper (or other non-stick mat) over the ball and roll the dough into a thin layer.
  5. Score the crackers with a pizza cutter and sprinkle extra sea salt lightly across the cracker sheet.
  6. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until they start to lightly brown.
  7. Cool for about 15 minutes and break apart into crackers. Store in a sealed container.

Makes about 30 crackers

TIP: Roll these out very thin to get a crispy cracker. The thinner and more even the dough, the crispier the cracker will be. 

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